Profile of Donald "Robin" McCarty

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McCarty-Larson, PLLC

300 N 8th Street, Suite 200
Midlothian, Texas 76065
Phone:(972) 775-2100
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Firm/Attorney Description

Have you been arrested? Are you in need of an Ellis County criminal defense attorney? You should look no further than McCarty-Larson, PLLC. Mr. McCarty is a former Tarrant County prosecutor and Texas Peace Officer with over a decade of legal experience. As a result of his prosecutorial and law enforcement experience, Attorney McCarty possesses a unique understanding of the Texas criminal justice system and he understands the mindset of the other side of the courtroom. His firm represents clients throughout Texas facing a wide variety of charges, and he is committed to providing ethical and professional legal services to the criminally accused.

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Attorney Bar Number     24034561
Practicing Law Since     2002

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