Attorney Search Results

You searched for: Area of Law: Tort Law
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Mark Law Firm
403 King George Road, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
Phone: 973-440-2311
License State: New Jersey | License Year Acquired: 2000
Work Injury Law | Vehicle Accident Law | Traffic Law | Tort Law | Sexual Harassment Law | Sex Discrimination Law | Race Discrimination Law | Personal Injury and Tort Law | Other Discrimination Law Age Race Sex Gender | Landlord & Tenants | Labor and Employment Law | Injury Law | Gender Discrimination Law | Family Law Divorce Child Custody and Adoption | Employment Law | Education Law | Drunk Driving & DUI Law | Divorce Law | Disability Discrimination Law ADA | Criminal Law | Civil Rights Law | Civil Litigation Law | Child Custody Law | Age Discrimination Law | ADA
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Cohne Rappaport & Segal
257 E. 200 S. St., Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
Phone: 801-532-2666
License State: Utah, Washington | License Year Acquired: 0
Administrative Law | Appeals and Writs | Bankruptcy Law | Business Law | Child Custody Law | Collections Law | Computer & Technology Law | Construction Law | Consumer Law | Contracts | Copyright Law | Credit Debt and Collections Law | Debt Law | Divorce Law | Employment Law | Entertainment & Sport Law | Environmental Law | Estate Law | Family Law Divorce Child Custody and Adoption | General Civil Litigation | Health Care Law | Injury Law | Insurance Law | Intellectual Property | Investment Law | Juvenile Dependency | Labor and Employment Law | Landlord & Tenants | Litigation Law | Malpractice Medical Law | Mediation | Medical Malpractice Law | Personal Injury and Tort Law | Probate Law | Probate Trusts Wills & Estates | Products Liability | Property Law | Real Estate and Real Property | Securities Law | Sexual Harassment Law | Small Claims Law | Sports Law | Tax and Taxation Law | Technology Law | Telecommunications Law | Tenant Law | Tort Law | Trusts Law | Wills Law | Work Injury Law | Workers Compensation Law
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The Bryan Law Firm, L.L.C.
419 South Preston Street, Marksville, LA 71351
Phone: 3182408282
License State: Louisiana | License Year Acquired: 1991
Workers Compensation Law | Vehicle Accident Law | Traffic Law | Tort Law | Social Security Law | Real Estate and Real Property | Probate Trusts Wills & Estates | Probate Law | Personal Injury and Tort Law | Maritime Law | Malpractice Legal Law | Litigation Law | Legal Malpractice Law | Injury Law | General Civil Litigation | Family Law Divorce Child Custody and Adoption | Estate Law | Divorce Law | Defective Products Law | Collections Law | Civil Litigation Law | Child Custody Law | Business Law | Adoption Law | Accident Law
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Charley Gee P.C.
820 SW 2nd Ave, Ste. 407, Portland, Oregon 97204
Phone: (503) 278-5389
License State: Oregon | License Year Acquired: 2011
Work Injury Law | Vehicle Accident Law | Traffic Law | Tort Law | Professional Responsibility | Products Liability | Personal Injury and Tort Law | Injury Law
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Phone: 3049064443 License State: West Virginia
Website: http://
Accident Law | Child Custody Law | Civil Litigation Law | Constitutional Law | Copyright Law | Credit Law | Criminal Law | Defective Products Law | Drunk Driving & DUI Law | DUI Law | General Civil Litigation | Injury Law | Insurance Law | International Law | Labor and Employment Law | Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility | Legal Malpractice Law | Litigation Law | Malpractice Legal Law | Malpractice Medical Law | Medical Malpractice Law | Personal Injury and Tort Law | Products Liability | Tort Law | Traffic Law | Vehicle Accident Law | Accident Law | Child Custody Law | Civil Litigation Law | Constitutional Law | Copyright Law | Credit Law | Criminal Law | Defective Products Law | Drunk Driving & DUI Law | DUI Law | General Civil Litigation | Injury Law | Insurance Law | International Law | Labor and Employment Law | Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility | Legal Malpractice Law | Litigation Law | Malpractice Legal Law | Malpractice Medical Law | Medical Malpractice Law | Personal Injury and Tort Law | Products Liability | Tort Law | Traffic Law | Vehicle Accident Law
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Attorney Hanks P.A.
9600 Koger Blvd North, Suite 104, St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Phone: 7275788529
License State: Florida | License Year Acquired: 1987
Vehicle Accident Law | Traffic Law | Tort Law | Probate Trusts Wills & Estates | Probate Law | Personal Injury and Tort Law | Juvenile Dependency | Injury Law | Family Law Divorce Child Custody and Adoption | Estate Law | DUI Law | Drunk Driving & DUI Law | Divorce Law | Debt Law | Criminal Law | Child Custody Law | Adoption Law
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Hansen Law Offices
319 North Main Street, Burlington, Iowa 52601
Phone: 319-752-5515
License State: Iowa | License Year Acquired: 1983
Work Injury Law | Vehicle Accident Law | Traffic Law | Tort Law | Products Liability | Personal Injury and Tort Law | Medical Malpractice Law | Malpractice Medical Law | Malpractice Legal Law | Litigation Law | Legal Malpractice Law | Juvenile Dependency | Injury Law | General Civil Litigation | DUI Law | Drunk Driving & DUI Law | Debt Law | Criminal Law | Bankruptcy Law
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Austin personal injury attorney
1502 West Ave., Austin, Texas 78701
Phone: (512) 580-9962
License State: Texas | License Year Acquired: 2003
Tort Law | Accident Law
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Law Office of Kevin Kump
1230 Rosecrans Ave., Suite 300, Manhattan Beach, California 90266
Phone: 310-698-7442
License State: California | License Year Acquired: 1988
Accident Law | ADA | Banking Law | Collections Law | Consumer Law | Contracts | Credit Debt and Collections Law | Credit Law | Debt Law | Defective Products Law | Elder Law | Injury Law | Landlord & Tenants | Litigation Law | Mediation | Military Law | Personal Injury and Tort Law | Property Law | Real Estate and Real Property | Small Claims Law | Tenant Law | Tort Law | Vehicle Accident Law | Veterans Law
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Brandt & Sherman, LLP
111 Mercury Street, Lafayette, Louisiana 70503
Phone: 3372377171
License State: Louisiana | License Year Acquired: 1995
Accident Law | Defective Products Law | Drunk Driving & DUI Law | Elder Law | Injury Law | Insurance Law | Litigation Law | Malpractice Medical Law | Maritime Law | Medical Malpractice Law | Personal Injury and Tort Law | Products Liability | Tort Law | Traffic Law | Vehicle Accident Law | Work Injury Law | Workers Compensation Law
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