Legal Term Dictionary

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    That he permit to abate. In old practice. A writ in the nature of a writ of right which lay to abate a nuisance. 3 Bl. Comm. 221. And see Conhocton Stone Road v. Buffalo, etc., R. Co., 51 N. Y. 579, 10 Am. Rep. 646; Powell v. Furniture.Co., 34 More...
    A writ which lay for spiritual persons, distrained in their spiritual possessions, for payment of a fifteenth with the rest of the parish. Fitzh. Nat Brev. 175. Obsolete. Quod populus postromum jussit, id jus ratum esto. What the people have last enacted, let that be the established law. A law More...
    That he do abate. The name of a judgment upon an indictment for a nuisance, that the defendant abate such nuisance. Quod pure debetur present! die debe-tur. That which is due unconditionally is due now. Tray. Leg. Max. 519. Quod quis en culpa sua damnum sentit non intelligitur damnum sentire. More...
    That he recover The ordinary form of judgments for the plaintiff in actions at law. 1 Archb. Pr. K. B. 225; 1 Burrill, Pr. 246. Quod remedio destituitur ipsa re valet si oulpa absit. That which is without remedy avails of Itself, if there be no fault in the party More...
    That if it happen. Words by which a condition might formerly be created in a deed. Litt. f 330. Quod sub eerta forma oonoeasum eel reservatum est non trahitur ad valorem vel oompensationem. That which is granted or reserved under a certain form is not [permitted to be] drawn into More...
    Which see. A direction to the reader to look to another part of the hook, or to another book, there named, for further information. Quod voluit non dixit. What he intended he did not say, or express. An answer sometimes made in overruling an argument that the law-maker or testator More...
    (Since the attachments.) One of the oldest books in the Scotch law. So called from the two first words of the volume. Jacob; Whishaw.
    When a'committee, board of directors, meeting of shareholders, legislative or other body of persons cannot act unless a certain number at least of them are present, that number is called a "quorum." Sweet. In the absence of any law or rule fixing the quorum, it consists of a majority of More...
  • QUOT
    In old Scotch law. A twentieth part of the movable estate of a person dying, which was due to the bishop of the diocese within which the person resided. Bell.
    A proportional part or share, the proportional part of a demand or liability, falling upon each of those who are col lectlvely responsible for the whole.
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