Legal Term Dictionary

Search our free database of thousands of legal terms. The easiest-to-read, most user-friendly guide to legal terms.This dictionary is from the early 20th century and is not to be construed as legal advice.

  • E.
    As an abbreviation, this letter may stand for "Exchequer," "English," "Edward/' "Equity," "East," "Eastern," "Easter," or "Ecclesiastical."
  • E.
    A Latin preposition, meaning from, oat of, after, or according. It occurs in many Latin phrases; but (in this form) only before a consonant. When the initial of the following word is a vowel, ex is used. -E contra From the opposite; on the contrary.-E converso. Conversely. On the other More...
  • E.G.
    An abbreviation of exempli gratia. For the sake of an example.
  • EA.
    Sax. The water or river; also the mouth of a river on the shore between high and low water-mark. Ea est accipienda Interpretation quae sitio caret. That interpretation is to be received [or adopted] which is free from fault [or wrong.] The law will not Intend a wrong. Bac. Max. More...
    With that intent Held not to make a condition, but a confidence and trust. Dyer, 138b. Ea qnn, eommendandi oausa, In Ten ditionibns dieuntnr, si palam appareant, venditorem non obllgant. Those things which are said on sales, in the way of commendation, if [the qualities of the thing sold] appear More...
  • EACH
    A distributive adjective pronoun, which denotes or refers to every one of the persons or things mentioned; every one of two or more persons or things, composing the whole, separately considered. The effect of this word, used in the covenants of a bond, is to create a several obligation. Seller More...
    A gold coin of the United States of the value of ten dollars.
    In old Saxon law. An elder or chief.
    The name of a Saxon magistrate; alderman; analogous to earl among the Danes, and senator among the Romans. See ALDERMAN
    An archbishop.
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