Legal Term Dictionary

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    A people, or aggregation of men, existing in the form of an organized jural society, inhabiting a distinct portion of the earth, speaking the same language, using the same'customs, possessing historic continuity, and distinguished from other like groups by their racial origin* and characteristics, and generally, but not necessarily, living More...
    Pertaining or relating to a nation as a whole; commonly applied in American law to Institutions, laws, or affairs of the United States or its government, as opposed to those of the several states. -National bank. A bank incorporated and doing business under the laws of the United States, as More...
    That quality or character which arises from the fact of a person's belonging to a nation or state. Nationality determines the political status of the individual, especially with reference to allegiance; while domicile determines his civil status. Nationality arises either by birth or by naturalization. According to Savigny, i4nationallty" is More...
    In Spanish and Mexican' law. Nationalization. "The nationalization of property is an act which denotes that it has become that of the nation by some process of law, whereby private individuals or corporations have been for specified reasons deprived thereof." Hall, Mex. Law, | 749.
    A natural-born subject or citizen ; a denizen by birth; one who owes his domicile or citizenship to the fact of his birth within the country referred to. The term may also include one born abroad, if his parents were then citizens of the country, and not permanently residing in More...
    Lat In old English law, a native; specifically, one born into a condition of servitude; a born serf or villein. -Nativa, A niefe or female villein. So called because for the most part bond by nativity. Co. Litt 1226.-Nativi conventional. Villeins or bondmen by contract or agreement- Nativi de stipite. More...
    The name of an ancient collection of original writs, accompanied with brief comments and explanations, compiled in the time of Edward IIL This is commonly called "Old Natura Brevium," (or "O. N. B.,") to distinguish it from Fitzher-bert's Natura Brevium, a later work, cited as "P. N. B.," or "Fitzh. More...
    The juristic meaning of this term- does not differ from the vernacular, except in the cases where it is used in opposition to the term "legal;" and then it means proceeding from or determined - by physical causes or conditions, as distinguished from positive enactments of law, or attributable to More...
    In Spanish law. The state, of a natural-born subject White, New Recop. b. 1, tit. 5, c. 2.
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