Legal Term Dictionary

Search our free database of thousands of legal terms. The easiest-to-read, most user-friendly guide to legal terms.This dictionary is from the early 20th century and is not to be construed as legal advice.

  • AVUS
    In the civil law. A grandfather Inst. 3, 6. 1.
    A term used in old statutes, signifying a lying in wait, or waylaying.
    v. To grant, concede, adjudge to. Thus, a jury awards damages; the court awards an injunction. Starkey v. Minneapolis, 19 Minn. 206 (Gil. 166).
    n. The decision or determination rendered by arbitrators or commissioners, or other private or extrajudicial deciders, upon a controversy submitted to them; also the writing or document embodying such decision. Halnon v. Halnon, 55 Vt 321; Henderson v. Beaton, 52 Tex. 43; Peters v. Peirce, 8 Mass. 398; Benjamin v. More...
    A crop sown before the expiration of a tenancy, which cannot ripen until after its expiration, to which, however, the tenant is entitled. Broom, Max. 412.
  • AWM
    In old English statutes. A measure of wine, or vessel containing forty gallons.
    In logic. A self-evident truth; an indisputable truth.
    In French law. This term signifies one to whom a right has been assigned, either by will, gift, sale, exchange, or the like; an assignee. An ayant cause differs from an heir who acquires the right by inheritance. 8 Toullier, n. 245. The term is used in Louisiana.
  • AYLE
    See AIEL.
  • AYRE
    In old Scotch law. Eyre; a circuit, eyre, or iter.
Showing 1350 of 1352