Legal Term Dictionary

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    Lat. From the beginning; from the first act. A party is said to be a trespasser ab initio, an estate to be good ab initio, an agreement or deed to be void ab initio, a marriage to be unlawful ab initio, and the like. Plow. 6a, 16a; 1 Bl. Comm. More...
    Lat. From the beginning of the world. Ab initio mundi usque ad hodiernum diem, from the beginning of the world to this day. X. B. M. 1 Edw. III. 24.
    Lat. In the civil law. From an intestate; from the intestate; in case of intestacy. Hareditas ab intestato, an inheritance derived from an intestate. Inst 2, 9, 6. Successio ab intestato, succession to an intestate, or in case of intestacy. Id. 3, 2, 3; Dig. 38, 6, 1. This answers More...
    Lat. By or from an unwilling party. A transfer ab invito is a compulsory transfer.
    By one who is angry. A devise or gift made by a man adversely to the interest of his heirs, on account of anger or hatred against them, is said to be made ab irato. A suit to set aside such a will is called an action ab irato. Merl. More...
    In Roman law. A cattle thief. Also called abigeus, q. v.
    In Spanish law. Land owned by an ecclesiastical corporation, and therefore exempt from taxation. In particular, lands or towns under the dominion and jurisdiction of an abbot.
    In Roman law. The perfect conveyance or transfer of property from one Roman citizen to another. This term gave place to the simple alienatio, which is used in the Digest and Institutes, as well as in the feudal law, and from which the English "alienation" has been formed. Inst 2, More...
    Lat. In the civil law. A great-great-grandfather's sister, (abavi soror.) Inst 3, 6, 6; Dig. 38, 10, 3. Called amita maxima. Id. 38, 10, 10, 17. Called, in Bracton, abamita magna. Bract fol. 68b.
    To desert, surrender, relinquish, give up, or cede. See ABANDONMENT.
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