
  05/18/12, 9:09 am
I was working for a marketing company and I quit because I was working for 4 weeks before I got a check. When I finally got my check it was $48 and I had worked 6days a week 11hours a day. Now I have been waiting for the rest of my checks to come in the mail for 2weeks and still haven't came. She will not talk to me all she keep saying is I mailed your shouldve gotten it. What should I do?
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United States   |   Missouri  |  Employment Law
Cost: Free


Nicholas Lindley Says:

May 18,2012 1:52 PM

Clearly you need to contact an employment attorney if you ever want to see this money. If you signed an employment contract, you will get paid one way or the other. Hiring an attorney to write a stern demand letter to your former employer will usually do the trick - otherwise you can sue and get more than your money due in damages and pre- and post-judgment interest. My office handles claims like this quite often. Good luck.

Clearly you need to contact an employment attorney if you ever want to see this money. If you signed an employment contract, you will get paid one way or the other. Hiring an attorney to write a stern demand letter to your former employer will usually do the trick - otherwise you can sue and get more than your money due in damages and pre- and post-judgment interest. My office handles claims like this quite often. Good luck.

Nicholas Lindley
The Law Office of Nicholas Lindley
111 Westport Plaza,Maryland Heights, MO 63146

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