You don't say here whether you are disabled in some way and unable to take care of yourself after age 18, so I'm going to assume that you're under 18 and that you are not disabled. When you turn 18, you are an adult and can move out if you want to. At that point, your father also would have no obligation to support you. The only way he would still be legally responsible for you past age 18 is if you have some problem that would lead to you being declared incompetent and unable to care for yourself, and that has to be done via a court order.
Nancy Lorenzen
Lorenzen Law Office
701 N. Central Expressway Building 3 Suite 100,Richardson, TX 75080
It is possible. The guardianship action of an adult (over 18), if any, would have been filed in the local county or district court where the ward (you are the ward if your dad is the guardian) lived at the time of the filing of the guardianship case. There would have been some basis/reason for the guardianship - i.e. you were incapacitated in some way, and if that incapacity is over, the guardianship should be, too. Without a formal guardianship proceeding, a person is not subject to a parent's guardianship/control after attaining the age of majority which is 18 years old in Texas.
Sarahjane "SJ" Davidson Swanson
Swanson Law Firm, PLLC
5151 San Felipe St Ste 1950,Houston, TX 77056
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