Legal Term Dictionary

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    v. In conveyancing. To assure the title to property sold, by an ex-press covenant to that effect in the deed of conveyance. To stipulate by an express cove-nant that the title of a grantee shall be good, and his possession undisturbed. In contracts. To engage or promise that a certain More...
    n. 1. A writ or precept from a competent authority in pursuance of law, directing the doing of an act, and ad¬dressed to an officer or person competent to do the act, and affording him protection from damage, if he does it. People v. Wood, 71 N. Y. 376. 2.Particularly, More...
    A person to whom a warranty is made.
    In old practice. Warranty of charter. A writ which lay for one who, being enfeoffed of lands or tenements, with a clause of warranty, was afterwards impleaded in an assize or other action in which he could not vouch to warranty. In such case, it might be brought against the More...
    An Old English writ which lay for him who was challenged to be a ward to another, In re¬spect to land said to be holden by knight-service; which land, when it was bought by the ancestors of the ward, was warranted free from such thraldom. The writ lay against the More...
    A writ which lay for a man who, having had a day assigned him personally to appear in court in any action in which he was sued, was in the mean time, by commandment, employed in the king's service, so that he could not come at the day assigned. It More...
    In old conveyancing. To warrant; to bind one's self, by covenant in a deed of conveyance, to defend the grantee in his title and possession. Warrantisare est defenders et acqul-etare tenentem, qnl warrantnm vocavit, in seisina sna; et tenens de re warrant! enoambinm habebit ad valentiam. Co. Litt. 365. To More...
    One who makes a warranty, Shep. Touch. 181. Warrantor potest exeipere qnod que-rens non tenet terram de qua petit war-ran tiam, et qnod donnm fnit insnfficiens. Hob. 21. A warrantor may object that the complainant does not hold the land of which he seeks the warranty, and that the gift More...
    In real property law. A real covenant by the grantor of lands, for himself and his heirs, to warrant and defend the title and/possession of the estate granted, to the grantee and his heirs, whereby, either upon voucher, or judgment in the writ of tcarrantia charted, and the eviction of More...
    A term in English law for a place in which birds, fishes, or wild beasts are kept. A franchise or privilege, either by pre-scription or grant from the king, to keep beasts and fowls of warren, which are hares, coneys, partridges, pheasants, etc. : Also any place to which such More...
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