Legal Term Dictionary

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    Lat A seller; a vendor. Inst 3, 24; Bract fol. 41. —Venditor regis. In old English law. The king's seller or salesman; the person who ex-posed to sale those goods and chattels which were seized or distrained to answer any debt due to the king. Cowell.
    Lat A female vendor. Cod. 4, 51, 3.
    The person who transfers property by sale, particularly real estate, "seller" being more commonly used for one who sells personalty. He Is the vendor who negotiates the sale, and becomes the recipient of the considera-tion, though the title comes to the vendee from another source, and not from the ven¬dor. More...
    A sale; generally a sale at public auction; and more particularly a sale so made under authority of law, as by a constable, sheriff, tax collector, administrator, etc.
    An auctioneer.
    A kneeling or low prostration on the ground by penitents; pardon.
    A privilege granted by a prince or sovereign, in virtue of which a person is entitled to act, sui juris, as if he were of full age. Story, Confl. Laws, | 74. Venist f aeilitas inoentivnnt eat delin-Quendi. 3 Inst. 236. Facility of pardon is an incentive to crime.
    Lat. To come; to appear in court. This word is sometimes used as the name of the writ for summoning a jury, more commonly called a "venire facias."
    Lat. In practice. A judicial writ, directed to the sheriff of the county in which a cause is to be tried, com-manding him that he "cause to come" before the court, on a certain day therein mention¬ed, twelve good and lawful men of the body of his county, qualified according More...
    A member of a panel of Jurors; a juror summoned by a writ of venire facias.
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