Legal Term Dictionary

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    which regulates the terms of membership In the Church of England and the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge, (St. 13 A 14 Car. II. c. 4.) See St. 9 & 10 Vict. c. 59. The act of uniform¬ity has been amended by the St. 35 & 36 Vict. c. 35, More...
    The English statute of 2 Wm. IV. c. 39, es-tablishing a uniform process for the commencement of actions in all the courts of law at Westminster. 3 Steph. Comm. 566.
    The state of being the only begotten.
    One-sided; ex parte; having relation to only one of two or more persons or things. —Unilateral contract. See CONTRACT.— Unilateral mistake. A mistake or misun-derstanding as to the terms or effect of a contract, made or entertained by one of the parties to it but not by the other. Green More...
    That which cannot be understood.
  • UNIO
    Lat In canon law. A consolida¬tion of two churches into one. Cowell.
    Lat. Uniting of offspring. A method of adoption, chiefly used in Germany, by which step-children (on either or both sides of the house) are made equal, in respect to the right of succession, with the children who spring from the mar¬riage of the two contracting parties. See Heinecc Elem. | More...
    In English poor-law. A union consists of two or more parishes which have been consolidated for the better admin-istration of the poor-law therein. In eeelesiastieal law. A union consists of two or more benefices which have been united into one benefice. Sweet. In Public law. A popular term in America More...
    The national flag of Great Britain and Ireland, which combines the banner of St. Patrick with the crosses of St. George and St. Andrew. The word "jack" is most probably derived from the surcoat, charged with a red cross, anciently used by the English soldiery. This appears to have been More...
    A combining and consolidating of two churches into one. Also it is when one church is made subject, to another, and one man is rector of both; and where a conventual church is made a cathedral. Tomlins.
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