Legal Term Dictionary

Search our free database of thousands of legal terms. The easiest-to-read, most user-friendly guide to legal terms.This dictionary is from the early 20th century and is not to be construed as legal advice.

    In old English law. A royalty or privilege granted, by royal charter, to a lord of a manor, for the having, restraining, and judging of bondmen and villeins, with their children, goods, and chattels, etc. Glan. lib. 5, c 2.
  • TEAM
    Within the meaning of an exemption law, a "team" consists of either one or two horses, with their harness and the vehicle to which they are customarily attached for use. Wilcox v. Hawley, 31 N. Y. 655.
    Within the meaning of an exemption law, this term means work done by a team as a substantial part of a man's business; as in farming, staging, express carrying, drawing of freight, peddling, or the transportation of material used or dealt in as a business. Hickok y. Thayer, 49 Vt More...
    The imposition of a tax; the act or process of imposing and levying a pecuniary charge or enforced contribution, ratable, or proportioned to value or some other standard, upon persons or property, by or on behalf of a government or one of its divisions or agencies, for the purpose of More...
    One who drives horses in a wagon for the purpose of carrying goods for hire. He is liable as a common carrier. Story, Bailm.
    Belonging or peculiar to an art or profession. Technical terms are frequently called in the books "words of art" -Technical mortgage. A true and formal mortgage, as distinguished from other instruments which, in some respects, have the character of equitable mortgages. Harrison v. Annapolis & E. R. R. Co., 50 More...
    Spreading. Tedding grass is spreading it out after it is cut in the swath. 10 East 5.
    In old English law. A small tax or allowance to the sheriff from each tithing of his county towards the .charge of keeping courts, etc. Cowell.
  • TEEP
    In Hindu law. A note of hand; a promissory note given by a native banker or money-lender to zemindars and others, to enable them to furnish government with security for the payment of their rents. Wharton.
    In the civil law. A tile. Dig. 19, 1, 18.
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