Legal Term Dictionary

Search our free database of thousands of legal terms. The easiest-to-read, most user-friendly guide to legal terms.This dictionary is from the early 20th century and is not to be construed as legal advice.

    Lat. A common bull; because he was free to all the tenants within such a manor, liberty, etc.
    Describing tbe same thing twice in one sentence In equivalent terms; a fault in rhetoric It differs from repetition or iteration, which is repeating the same sentence in the same or equivalent terms; the latter is sometimes either excusable or necessary in an argument or address; the former (tautology) never. More...
    A place of entertainment; a house kept up for the accommodation of strangers. Originally, a house 'for the retailing of liquors to be drunk on the spot Webster. The word "tavern," in a charter provision authorizing municipal authorities to "license and regulate taverns," includes hotels. "Tavern," "hotel," and "public house" More...
    One who keeps a tavern. One who keeps an inn; an innkeeper.
    In old English law. A seller of wine; one who kept a house or shop lor the sale of wine.
  • TAX
    v. To impose a tax; to enact or declare that a pecuniary contribution shall be made by the persons liable, for the support of government Spoken of an individual, to be taxed is to be included in an assessment ?made for purposes of taxation. In praetiee. To assess or determine; More...
  • TAX
    n. Taxes are a ratable portion of the produce of the property and labor of the individual citizens, taken by the nation, in the exercise of Its sovereign rights, for the support of government for the administration of the laws, and as the means for continuing-in operation the various legitimate More...
  • TAXA
    L. Lat A tax. Spelman. In old records. An allotted piece of work; a task.
    Subject to taxation; liable to be assessed, along with others, for a share in a tax. Persons subject to taxation are sometimes called "taxables;" .so property which may be assessed for taxation is said to be taxable. Applied to costs in an action, the word means proper to be taxed More...
    Lat To rate or value. Calvin. To tax; to lay a tax or tribute. Spelman. In old English practice. To assess; to rate or estimate; to moderate or regulate an assessment or rate.
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