Legal Term Dictionary

Search our free database of thousands of legal terms. The easiest-to-read, most user-friendly guide to legal terms.This dictionary is from the early 20th century and is not to be construed as legal advice.

    An occasional or obsolete form of "embezzle," (q. v.)
    In old English law. To plant or sow grain. Bract fol. 176b.
    A brook, gutter, or water-passage CowelL
    The making of one thing in the similitude or likeness of another; as, counterfeit coin Is said to be made "in imitation" of the genuine. An imitation of a trade-mark is that which so far resembles the genuine trade-mark as to be likely to induce the belief that it is More...
    Not material, essential, or necessary; not Important or pertinent; not decisive. -Immaterial averment. An averment alleging with needless particularity or unnecessary circumstances what is material and necessary, and which might properly have been stated more generally, and without such circumstances and particulars; or, in other words, a statement of unnecessary More...
    1. Present; at once; without delay; not deferred by any Interval of time. In this sense, the word, without any very precise signification, denotes that action is or must be taken either instantly or without any considerable loss of time. Immediately does not, in legal proceedings, necessarily import the exclusion More...
    "It is Impossible to lay down any hard and fast rule as to what is the meaning of the word 'Immediately* in all cases. The words 'forthwith' and 'immediately* have the same meaning. They are stronger than the expression owithin a reasonable time/ and imply prompt, vigorous action, without any More...
    Beyond human memory; time out of mind. -Immemorial possession. In Louisiana. Possession of which no man living has seen the beginning, and the existence of which he has learned from his elders. Civ. Code La. art 762.-Immemorial usage. A practice which has existed time ont of mind; custom; nrescrintion. Miller More...
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