Legal Term Dictionary

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    Unlettered; Ignorant; unlearned. Generally used of one who cannot read and write. See In re Succession of Carroll, 28 La. Ann. 388.
    Incapable of being placed out or hired.
    Lat That Hind, quod alias licitum non est, se* eessitas fadt lid turn; et necessitas in-ducit privilegium quoad jura privata. Bac. Max. That which is otherwise not permitted, necessity permits; and necessity makes a privilege as to private rights. Hind, quod alter! unltur, extingultur, neqne amplius per so vac are More...
    In medical jurisprudence. An image or impression in the mind, excited by some external object addressing itself to one or more of the senses, but which, instead of corresponding with the reality, is perverted, distorted, or wholly mistaken, the error being attributable to the imagination of the observer, not to More...
    Deceiving by false appearances; nominal, as distinguished from substantial. -Illusory appointment. Formerly the appointment of a merely nominal share of the property to one of the objects of a power, In order to escape the rule that an exclusive appointment could not be made unless it was authorized by the More...
    The prefix to the title of a prince of the blood in England.
    In English law. In cases ot treason the law makes it a crime to imagine the death of the king. But, in order to complete the crime, this act of the mind must be demonstrated by some overt act The terms "imagining" and "compassing*9 are in this connection synonymous. 4 More...
    A Mohammedan prince having supreme spiritual as well as temporal power; a regular priest of the mosque.
    An old form of "embargo," (q. v.) St 18 Car. II. c. 5.
    The act of mixing the specie with an alloy below the standard of sterling. 1 Hale, P. C 102.
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