Legal Term Dictionary

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    A voluntary assertion ; a statement which a party is not legally bound to make, or in which he is not held to precise accuracy. 2 Kent, Comm. 486, Medbury v. Watson, 6 Mete. (Mass.) 260, 39 Am. Dec. 726.
    Without valuable or legal consideration. A term applied to deeds of conveyance and to bailments and other contracts. In old English law. Voluntary; without force, fear, or favor. Bract, fols. 11, 17. As to gratuitous "Bailment," "Contract," and "Deposit,'* see those titles.
    In old English law. A grove; a small wood; a coppice or thicket Co. Litt 4b. A thick wood of high trees. Blount.
    The burden or gist of a charge; the grievance or injury specially complained of. In English ecclesiastieal law. A grievance complained of by the clergy before the bishops in convocation.
    In old English law. An accusation or impeachment. Leg. Ethel, c 19.
    A sepulcher. A place where a dead body is interred.
    A cemetery; a place for the interment of dead bodies; sometimes defined in statutes as a place where a minimum number of persons (as "six or more") are buried. See Stockton v. Weber, 98 Cal. 433, 83 Pac 332. -Graveyard insurance. A term applied to insurances fraudulently obtained (as. by More...
    Grievous; great Ad grave damnum, to the grievous damage 11 Coke, 40.
    A graf; a chief magistrate or officer. A term derived from the more ancient "graflo" and used in combination with various other words, as an official title in Germany; as Margravius, Rheingravius, Landgravius, etc. Spelman. Gravins est divinam qnam temperalem lsedere majestatem. It is more serious to hurt divine than More...
    An inn of court. See INNS OF COURT.
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