Legal Term Dictionary

Search our free database of thousands of legal terms. The easiest-to-read, most user-friendly guide to legal terms.This dictionary is from the early 20th century and is not to be construed as legal advice.

    As used in bonds of public and private officers, this term imports not only honesty, but also a punctilious discharge of all the duties of the office, requiring competence, diligence, and attention, without any malfeasance or nonfeasance, aside from mere mistakes. State v. Chadwick, 10 Or. 468; Hoboken v. Evans, More...
    A street peddler who disposes of worthless wares, or of any goods above their value, by means of any false representation, trick, device, lottery, or game of chance. Mills' Ann. St Colo. s 1400.
    Idle persons; idle livers; vagabonds. Cowell; Blount
    In old English law. A jackcet or close coat Blount
    In old English law. To mow. Falcare prata, to mow or cut grass in meadows laid in for hay. A customary service to the lord by his inferior tenants. Jus falcandi, the right of cutting wood. Bract, fol. 231. Falcata, grass fresh mown, and laid in swaths. Falcatio, a mowing. More...
    In Spanish law. The Falcidian portion; the portion of an inheritance which could not be legally bequeathed away from the heir, viz., one-fourth.
    In Roman law. A law on the subject of testamentary disposition, enacted by the people in the year of Rome 714, on the proposition of the tribune Falcidius. By this law, the testator's right to burden his estate with legacies was subjected to an important restriction. It prescribed that no More...
    That portion of a testator's estate which, by the Falcidian law, was required to be left to the heir, amounting to at least one-fourth.
    A sheep-fold. CowelL
    Span. In Spanish law. The slope or skirt of a hill. Fossat v. United States, 2 Wall. 673, 17 L. Ed. 739.
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