Profile of Victor Revill

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Revill Law Firm

2027 2nd Avenue North, Suite A
Birmingham, Alabama 35203
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Firm/Attorney Description

The Revill Law Firm is dedicated to protecting the rights of their clients. The firm employs talented Alabama criminal defense lawyers who can zealously represent their clients in the courtroom. The Revill Law Firm focuses on addressing each and every client concern and crafting a case that is perfectly suited to their circumstances. Their lead attorney, Victor Revill, has won several awards for his excellent criminal defense. Whether a client is looking for counsel and representation in a personal injury case or a family law matter, the Revill Law Firm is equipped to handle a diverse amount of issues. With a focus on the client, free consultations, a top-rated legal team, and 24/7 availability, Revill Law Firm ensures client convenience and quality service. To get started on a case, call a representative from Revill Law Firm at (205) 928-6544 today!

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