Profile of Rawan Noubani

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RN Law Firm

Amman - Shemisani
Amman , 11194
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Firm/Attorney Description

RN Law Firm for Legal Consultation (the “Law Firm”), is led by a dedicated team of attorneys, consultants, researchers and translators who have an extensive experience in most areas of Law, our Law Firm aims to provide and to deliver our clients with accurate legal services in minimal hours with significant attention to the smallest details. Our team is trained to provide our clients with the required services effectively and efficiently, and to cover all our clients’ needs, protect their interest, to monitor their rights and to enforce the proper measure when it is necessary for our client’s rights and benefit. The Law Firm offers a wide range of services, from consultation, drafting, reviewing and validating contract and agreements, legal translation

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Attorneys in Firm     3
Attorney Bar Number     14172
Practicing Law Since     2008

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