Profile of Kevin Veler

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Law Office of Kevin M. Veler

11770 Haynes Bridge Rd, Ste 205-337
Alpharetta, GA 30009
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Firm/Attorney Description

I provide a wide range of legal services, concentrating on transactional and dispute resolution issues in business law (includuing structuring and organizing business entities), commercial real estate and construction law for both businesses and individuals. While I have worked with a number of large corporations and a diverse range of businesses in my career, many of my clients are small business owners and professionals. I also have a number of clients that have had serious construction-related problems. I strive to provide not only sound legal advice for clients, but also practical and sound business information for efficient and effective decisions. I am actively involved legal issues and policy development in contractor licensing in the State of Georgia. My construction website found at and provide a great deal of information pertaining to licensing and construction developments for both construction related professions, consumers and property owners.

States of Practice

Attorneys in Firm     1
Attorney Bar Number     726830
Practicing Law Since     1983

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