Profile of Edmond Nassirzadeh

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Nass Law Firm

9454 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 700
Beverly Hills, California 90212
Phone:(310) 858-7755
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Firm/Attorney Description

The Beverly Hills lawyers at Nass Law Firm proudly represents clients in legal matters regarding real estate, bankruptcy, and lemon law. Clients who come to the legal team will experience a small firm setting with big firm advocacy – individuals are never seen as just another case number on the docket. With 65 years of combined legal experience, Nass Law Firm is determined, skilled, and qualified to handle even the most complex case. Because no two clients are alike, attorneys at the firm aim to provide representation that is individualized and prioritizes the best interests of the clients. To learn more about Nass Law Firm, call and schedule a free consultation.

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Attorney Bar Number     201833
Practicing Law Since     1999

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