Profile of Deborah Tate

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McIntyre Tate LLP

50 Park Row West, Suite #109
Providence, Rhode Island 02903
Phone:(401) 351-7700
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Firm/Attorney Description

McIntyre Tate LLP is a premier Rhode Island family law and divorce firm based in Providence. The firm’s work has numerous times been industry recognized for excellence and has garnered a Tier 1 Law Firm ranking from U.S. News & World Report for three consecutive years. The McIntyre Tate LLP team is led by six attorneys that each have more than 25 years of experience, giving the firm unparalleled insight into the dynamics of family law and the needs and challenges their clients face. From divorces to adoptions, grandparents’ rights, and domestic violence issues, McIntyre Tate LLP has the knowledge to ensure that the families they represent are given every consideration they deserve under the law. Are you facing a divorce and concerned about child custody? Alimony? Or any other legal matter that will affect you during this uncertain time? Then McIntyre Tate LLP is ready to hear from you.

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