Profile of Andrew Sandman

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Sandman, Finn & Fitzhugh

7101 Creedmoor Road, Suite 122
Raleigh, North Carolina 27613
Phone:(919) 887-8040
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Firm/Attorney Description

When you are accused of a crime, put your trust in the Raleigh criminal defense attorneys at Sandman, Finn & Fitzhugh. They provide comprehensive counsel and aggressive representation backed by more than 50 years of combined legal experience. As former prosecutors and Assistant District Attorneys in Wake County, they have become fairly familiar with the process of the other side. This allows them to anticipate their arguments and create a strategic plan of action in defending your freedom. You can rest assured that they will provide your case personalized attention with the understanding counsel. The firm is committed to pursuing the best possible outcome on behalf of their clients. Schedule a free consultation with the legal team when you call (919) 887-8040.

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