Profile of Jonathan Winters

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Law Offices of Jonathan D. Winters

2750 Bellflower Blvd Suite 101
Long Beach, California 90815
Phone:(562) 473-4777
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Firm/Attorney Description

Our dedicated Long Beach attorney at the Law Offices of Jonathan D. Winters wants to help protect your legal rights, even when you are facing complicated personal injury, real estate, eviction, and employment law matters. We want to not only help you get the compensation you need, but also hold negligent parties responsible for their actions. With our firm on your side, you can rest assured that we will aggressively fight for your best interests, whether in litigation or arbitration, in order to see that you have the legal and financial help you need. From toxic mold cases to disability discrimination and wrongful termination claims, the Law Offices of Jonathan D. Winters has extensive, hands-on experience and takes a creative approach to ensuring that your rights are always a priority.

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Attorney Bar Number     213700
Practicing Law Since     2001

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