Legal Term Dictionary

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    In old English law. Deeds. Facta armorum, deeds or feats of arms; that is, jousts or tournaments. Cowell. Facts. Facta et casus, facts and cases. Bract, fol. 16. Facta sunt potentiora verbis. Deeds are more powerful than words. Facta tenant mnlta quae fieri prohibentur. 12 Coke, 124. Deeds contain many More...
    In the civil law. The right, power, or capacity of making a will; called "factio activa" Inst. 2, 10, 6. The right or capacity of taking by will; called "factio passiva." Inst 2, 10, 6.
    In fact; by an act; by the act or fact. Ipso facto, by the act itself; by the mere effect of a fact, without anything superadded, or any proceeding upon it to give it effect 3 Kent Comm. 55, 58.
    1. A commercial agent employed by a principal to sell merchandise consigned to him for that purpose, for and in behalf of the principal, but usually in his own name, being intrusted with the possession and control of the goods, and being remunerated by a commission, commonly called "factorage." Howland More...
    In American law. A process by which the effects of a debtor are attached in the hands of a third person. A term peculiar to the practice in Vermont and Connecticut. Otherwise termed "trustee process" and "garnishment." Cross v. Brown, 19 R. I. 220, 33 Atl. 147.
    In English law. The term includes all buildings and premises wherein, or within the close or curtilage of which, steam, water, or any mechanical power is used to move or work any machinery employed in preparing, manufacturing, or finishing cotton, wool, hair, silk, flax, hemp, jute, or tow. So defined More...
    Lat. In old English law. A deed; a person's act and deed; anything stated or made certain; a sealed instrument; a deed of conveyance. A fact; a circumstance; particularly a fact in evidence. Bract fol. lb. In testamentary law. The execution or due execution of a will. The factum of More...
    In the law of divorce. The capability of the husband to render a support to the wife in the form of alimony, whether temporary or permanent, including not only his tangible property, but also his income and his ability to earn money. 2 Bish. Mar. & Div. s 446; Lovett More...
    In English ecclesiastical law. A jurisdiction or tribunal belonging to the archbishop. It does not hold pleas in any suits, but creates rights to pews, monuments, and particular places, and modes of burial. It has also various powers under 25 Hen. VIII. c. 21, in granting licenses of different descriptions, More...
    In ecclesiastical law. A license or authority; a privilege granted by the ordinary to a man by favor and indulgence to do that which by law he may not do; e. g., to marry without banns, to erect a monument in a church, etc. Termes de la Ley. In Scotch More...
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