Profile of Jason Lamm

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Jason D. Lamm Attorney at Law

6245 N 24th Parkway Suite 208
Phoenix, Arizona 85016
Phone:(602) 663-9100
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At Jason D. Lamm Attorney at Law, you can find a Phoenix criminal defense attorney with more than 20 years of legal experience. Having served as a former major felony prosecutor, I am completely dedicated to finding the strongest possible legal defenses available to my clients. I tailor my approach so that every client I help can feel cared for and move forward in their case with confidence. I have handled thousands of serious criminal cases by forming close, personal relationships with my clients. This allows me to gather the necessary evidence, build a strong defense strategy, and stand by your side throughout every aspect of the case from start to finish. When you are facing life-altering choices and challenges, I encourage you to retain respected, experienced, and dedicated counsel to stand by your side. Call Jason D. Lamm Attorney a Law today to begin your case.

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